Our programs

ICT Education for children and Youth in Tanzania.

We provide a safe and friendly environment for youth to learn and practice ICT education in Arusha, Tanzania.

Our Mission

To champion ICT education for Tanzanian youth 


Our core values: Respect, Accountability, Integrity, Innovation, and Team work

Our Story

Inspired by our late brother who is love for ICT inspired us to pursue education in ICT. Now we are giving back and inspire others. 

how we work

Give ICT Education to Youth

Who We are

Our Impact

How It Works

We support the Tanzania government in providing ICT education for children and youth in and out of school.

We are preparing an innovative generation with an understanding of technology and IT that will be able to solve the challenges of their communities using technology and create more opportunities for their benefit and their country in general.

We provide basic Computer and coding classes for children and youth who have never experienced computers. The introductory computer courses range between two weeks and a month, and the coding course range between three (3) to Six (6) months. All these courses are provided by the Benjamin Runga Foundation free of charge.

Help is Our Goal

What Makes Us Different

We Educate

We provide education to teachers and students through our classes.

We Help

We help schools establish ICT education classes.

We Build

We work together with other partners to create tools, training, and support for ICT education in schools.

We advocate

We advocate for universal primary ICT education for all children in Tanzania.